10-Instructional “mini-domains” that will tweek your Lesson Plan
and assist with classroom management:
a. SPI ‘s and Objectives “must match the lessons”
b. Motivation: 2-3 min. saying/doing something eye catching-
“BLING- BLING”… gotta get their attention!!
b. Motivation: 2-3 min. saying/doing something eye catching-
“BLING- BLING”… gotta get their attention!!
** The guiding question is NOT the Motivation **
c. Closure: it is about the student, but 1st U must ask questions
about the lesson to elicit responses from students & they in
return can tell you & each other what they’ve learned. This prompts
d. Closure is just as important as Motivation. Have to have it!
e. Technology: implement in the instruction such as a power point
and as an extended activity: Remedial, Enrichment, and ELL- these
students whose 1st lang. in the home is not English; technology
levels the playing field for ELL learners.
f. Assessments: Teacher Observation is o.k. some of the time,
Thumbs-up is a quick assessment to use during instruction, but
You need to use something “tangible”for an assessment most
of the time. This could be a skill sheet, project, drawing, test,
Journals, writing, etc; The assessment needs to be something
that can be measured … & when it can’t be measured, that’s
where a “Rubric” comes in ☺
g. The Rubric needs to have some sort of scale where the
teacher can assess a grade or a number/points value.
h. “Item Analysis”- a way to assess which students need
additional instruction on a specific skill(s). Kindergarten uses a
Checklist which is perfect for them. However, in 1-6, you need
to make a conscious effort to do this-item analysis- with all
student assignments, (do this after completion of task).
With experienced teachers, this is a skill that comes naturally.
Ex: U give a test to the class. After students complete it, U
look over their answers and notice that 2-3 of the students
have missed items # 1, 3, 7. You look back at those items to
determine what specific skill those test items were assessing
And then you, the teacher, pulls those students aside and
This “WHOLE PROCESS” is called “item analysis”.
i. Differentiation has many facets. However, look back at the
Extended learning on (e.)Technology where you see an
explanation of having different activities for Remedial, Enrichment,
or English Language Learner- ELL. Whether you have any ELL or not,
go ahead & create lessons anyway. Why? because one day you will.
Differentiation is an activity that is different than, not necessarily part
the instruction, but compliments the lesson by addressing the different
learning styles of all students.
j. Classroom Management can be fun! Just try to implement
these suggestions EVERY DAY & see what happens.
1. Review Class Rules, Consequences, & Rewards every morning.
2. Tell the class that U R going to “catch them” being GOOD!
3. The High 5: when a class is being too talkative, start counting backwards,
from 5 (5,4,3,2,1) & by the time you get to #2, they have self-corrected
d. Closure is just as important as Motivation. Have to have it!
e. Technology: implement in the instruction such as a power point
and as an extended activity: Remedial, Enrichment, and ELL- these
students whose 1st lang. in the home is not English; technology
levels the playing field for ELL learners.
f. Assessments: Teacher Observation is o.k. some of the time,
Thumbs-up is a quick assessment to use during instruction, but
You need to use something “tangible”for an assessment most
of the time. This could be a skill sheet, project, drawing, test,
Journals, writing, etc; The assessment needs to be something
that can be measured … & when it can’t be measured, that’s
where a “Rubric” comes in ☺
g. The Rubric needs to have some sort of scale where the
teacher can assess a grade or a number/points value.
h. “Item Analysis”- a way to assess which students need
additional instruction on a specific skill(s). Kindergarten uses a
Checklist which is perfect for them. However, in 1-6, you need
to make a conscious effort to do this-item analysis- with all
student assignments, (do this after completion of task).
With experienced teachers, this is a skill that comes naturally.
Ex: U give a test to the class. After students complete it, U
look over their answers and notice that 2-3 of the students
have missed items # 1, 3, 7. You look back at those items to
determine what specific skill those test items were assessing
And then you, the teacher, pulls those students aside and
This “WHOLE PROCESS” is called “item analysis”.
i. Differentiation has many facets. However, look back at the
Extended learning on (e.)Technology where you see an
explanation of having different activities for Remedial, Enrichment,
or English Language Learner- ELL. Whether you have any ELL or not,
go ahead & create lessons anyway. Why? because one day you will.
Differentiation is an activity that is different than, not necessarily part
the instruction, but compliments the lesson by addressing the different
learning styles of all students.
j. Classroom Management can be fun! Just try to implement
these suggestions EVERY DAY & see what happens.
1. Review Class Rules, Consequences, & Rewards every morning.
2. Tell the class that U R going to “catch them” being GOOD!
3. The High 5: when a class is being too talkative, start counting backwards,
from 5 (5,4,3,2,1) & by the time you get to #2, they have self-corrected
their own behavior.
4. Magic 1,2,3- used a lot, similar to above, but shorter time.
If a student does not comply by the time I say # 2, then
When I say #3, it’s too late & the consequences begin.
5. You will find success with #3 holding up High-5 & counting
6. With grades K-2, use “ 1,2,3.…all eyes on Me !”
4. Magic 1,2,3- used a lot, similar to above, but shorter time.
If a student does not comply by the time I say # 2, then
When I say #3, it’s too late & the consequences begin.
5. You will find success with #3 holding up High-5 & counting
6. With grades K-2, use “ 1,2,3.…all eyes on Me !”
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